


Is it okay to drink water you left out overnight?

Many people like pouring a glass of water for their bedside at night — but is there anything wrong with drinking that same glass the next morning? What about that half drank bottle of water in your car cupholder? Of course, most people don’t think twice about drinking day old water from a clean source. Our bodies tend to become dehydrated as we sleep at night, and it’s not uncommon to reach for the remainder of that cup of water when we first wake up. But what’s the difference between fresh poured and older H2O? tasting Fresh vs. stale water Anyone who drinks water — that’s everyone lucky enough on Earth — could tell you that water that has been left out has a different taste to it. It’s not dissimilar to other beverages: When you leave soda out it goes flat; when you leave wine out the flavor changes. When water sites out,…

Drink cherry juice before bed for a better sleep, study shows

You can get a better night of sleep by taking a swig of cherry juice, than from that nightcap of fermented grapes. It turns out that Montmorency cherry juice contains high levels of melatonin, a natural hormone responsible for regulating our internal body clock. People with sleep issues commonly take this hormone in pill form, but experts say that the tart cherry juice works just as well. One study examined the effects the special cherry juice had on insomniacs. Eight participants were told to drink two glasses of Montmorency cherry juice per day — one in the morning and one right before bed. Compared to the placebo, the cherry juice group ended up averaging an extra 1 hour and 24 minutes of quality sleep time per night. So what is so special about Montmorency cherries? For starters, these little red wonders contain 40 percent of your daily recommended vitamin A (cell regeneration and vision).…