


Study says couples who drink together have happier marriages

People are constantly trying to find the secret to a successful relationship. Is it love? Understanding? Laughter? According to one study, the answer is alcohol. Theย study published in The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Series, couples who sip together, stay together. The report found that relationships where partners drank together had less negative relationship quality over time โ€” particularly among wives. “Wives who reported drinking alcohol reported decreased negative marital quality over time when husbands also reported drinking and increased negative marital quality over time when husbands reported not drinking,” a summary of the study says. According to Reuters, nearly 3,000 couples participated in the study. On average, the couples had been together for 33 years โ€” two thirds of those were on their first marriage. The study asked participants how often and how much they drink, then asked if they found their spouse “irritating, critical or too demanding.”…