
Christmas morning


Overnight gingerbread oatmeal recipe

When it’s cold outside, it can be hard to leave the comfort and warmth of those blankets. But with a big bowl of gingerbread oatmeal waiting for you, you won’t be able to wait until morning. This slow cooker oatmeal is an easy make-ahead option for mornings because you can set it the night before and have it ready by morning. The smell alone will have you leaping out of bed. Oatmeal keeps well too, so individually portion out the leftovers, and microwave it all week long for a practical, healthy and fun breakfast Monday through Friday. Whether you make this gingerbread oatmeal for Christmas morning or make a big batch for a snowy winter Sunday brunch, it’s sure to be a hit. Oatmeal is naturally heart-healthy so it’s a nutritious way to start any day — just choose your toppings wisely. Walnuts and a touch of whipped cream is way better than loads of butter.…