
boba tea


Just how bad is bubble tea for you?

Chances are that just five years ago, you probably never heard of bubble tea, or if you had, you had to venture deep into Chinatown to buy one. Now, you can find a restaurant offering bubble tea or an exclusive bubble tea store every few blocks in most cities in the U.S. — and some even in the suburbs, too. The brightly-colored, Instagram-worthy beverage makes an appearance at just about every fair and festival, as well. Bubble tea is everywhere, but that doesn’t mean it’s a simple, harmless drink like many assume. Just because it has “tea” in the name, doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you. https://www.instagram.com/p/BT09PxUFZhp/?taken-by=bijububbletea The main ingredients in a bubble tea include sweet tea, milk, tapioca pearls, and alarmingly high levels of sugar and sugar flavoring. The pearls are what make this drink so popular. They’re loved for the way they travel up the bubble tea oversized straw, as well as for their chewy, candy-like consistency. Their…