
Thanksgiving November


Onion ring and fresh green bean casserole

I know, I know. You’re saying to yourself, “Don’t mess with the classics.” But hear me out. Green bean casserole isn’t all that great. There. I said it. Under all of those oily little french fried onion bits is nothing more than a mess of hacked up rubbery green bean pieces swimming in a sea of grayish liquid. I’ve never been a fan, mostly because it means we take one of the only Thanksgiving side dishes that has a chance to be healthy and we smother it with loads of greasy ingredients. Also see our Handy guide to planning a Thanksgiving feast. A delicious green bean casserole doesn’t have to include unhealthy cans of slop. You can make it fresher, healthier, and tastier with just a few ingredients. So why not make the switch? This green bean casserole uses fresh green beans, mushrooms and onions, along with fresh thyme, whole…