


Pick pizza over cereal for a healthier breakfast

Grabbing that cold, leftover slice of pizza in the morning might not be such a bad decision after all. It turns out, there are tons of pizzas out there that could be better for you than your favorite breakfast cereal. Registered dietician Chelsey Amer told The Daily Meal, “You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories. However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.” Sure, pizza isn’t exactly a health food. But when you compare it to the nutritional profiles of most common store-bought cereals, it is a more balanced way to start a day. Amer said, “A slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash.”…

This is the reason why pineapple leaves your mouth sore

Fresh, juicy pineapple can’t be beat. I could eat it all day, every day, but unfortunately, every time I try, I end up with a sore tongue and mouth — a stinging feeling. I decided to investigate why such a delicious food has such a terrible side effect. Most people think that it’s the acid from the fruit tearing up their mouth or that it’s the sign of an allergic reaction, but both of these explanations for the discomfort are probably incorrect. The irritation happens because pineapples contain bromelain, and enzyme that digests protein. The enzyme essentially attacks your tongue, cheeks and lips until it is swallowed. After that, your saliva and stomach acids both overtake the enzyme and denature it. When concentrated, bromelain is commonly used as a natural meat tenderizer, which explains a lot. Basically, your mouth = meat, and the pineapple is tenderizing (eating away at) your soft skin. This all sounds kind of scary,…