


Truly horrible vintage hot dog ads and recipes

For millions of Americans, summer means more hot dogs in their diet. And it seemingly always has. The hot dog, or frankfurter, was culturally imported from Germany, but was instantly popularized in the United States, where it became synonymous with the working-class. As a top-selling street food at hot dog stands and carts, the cased meat treat also became the food face of warm weather baseball games, amusement parks, and all things American culture. No one particular person is credited with inventing the steamed sausage roll we know today, but the earliest references of the word “hot dog” date to the late 19th century (1893) in the New Brunswick (New Jersey) Daily Times and the New York World. Anyone who has ever grown up knows there are unfortunate photos and experiences of our past we wish no one would ever see (Think: Hammer pants, frosted tips, or anything with glitter). The hot dog is no different.…

Not all processed foods are equal

So you eat healthy, but if you’ve never considered your olive oil or salted nuts to be processed foods before, then you probably need a refresher in what exactly “processed food” means. Processed foods. The term has come to mean anything that comes in packaging. But it’s how we process the food that matters the most. It’s generally advised to eat less processed food and more fresh food items, but there are levels to what that even means. Consider that a plain baked potato is better for you than french fries which are better for you than those boxed mashed potato flakes—No amount of water can wash away the processing atrocities done to that poor vegetable. But further consider that not all processing is detrimental. Some foods undergo changes that actually make them equally or more nutritious when processed like freezing, fermenting or sprouting. Cara Rosenbloom, registered dietician and president of Words to Eat By, a nutrition…