


Here’s what you should have in your emergency food stockpile

Hurricane Lane dropped record-breaking heavy rains that battered Hawaii this week, but that’s likely to just be the beginning. Hurricane season is expected to run through November 30 this year, with September being the peak season for storms in the Atlantic. It’s alway best to be prepared โ€” if not over prepared โ€” for disasters like hurricanes, especially if you live in a high-risk area. Because you’re going to have limited supplies in the event of an emergency, it’s important to make each item in your stash count. FEMA suggests foods that require no refrigeration, water, or special cooking. Foods can also lift morale and give a feeling of security in times of stress, so leave room for a few comfort items, as well. Here are some foods suggestions that should be in your stash: 1. Water Of course water is first and foremost. FEMA recommends having one gallon of…