


Survey reveals top 5 most popular hot sauces in the US

Is there a single food out there that isn’t made infinitely more delicious by adding hot sauce? You probably put it on everything from enchiladas to egg rolls. But even though you love all hot sauces, you probably pick a favorite and stick with it whenever possible. In honor of National Hot Sauce Day on January 22, Instacart compiled its data to bring us a list of the most popular hot sauces in America, according to Food & Wine. Did your favorite make the cut? 1. Cholulah Cholulah ranks as America’s favorite hot sauce, and it’s no surprise. The level of heat along with a delicious blend of spices complements most foods without overwhelming them โ€” a true sign of a good hot sauce. The sauce was named for the Mexican city of Cholula, Puebla (founded somewhere between 800 and 200 B.C.E.), and wasn’t available in the United States until…