It’s Friday and your next three days are full of booze, brunches and backyard barbecues. Monday is the day you’ll start to diet, you tell yourself.

But start a diet on a Monday, and you might not have much success.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people eat the most meat on Saturday and Sundays and the most carbs and alcohol on Fridays and Saturdays. The most calories are consumed Friday through Sunday.

While this likely doesn’t come as a shock, these habits make dieting on Monday — and sticking with it — all the more difficult.

“Typically, the ‘I’ll get back on track on Monday principle’ is a dangerous one,” says dietician Jaime Mass, R.D. “It indicates an all-or nothing-mentality, which can lead to unhealthy eating habits overall,” she said.

As soon as you cave into your cravings at some point in the week, it essentially opens the door to all kinds of poor diet choices.

On Mondays you’re also possibly feeling bloated and battling a hangover, which can leave you feeling irritable and tired. This means your sleep schedule might not be at its best and you’ll be stressing at work — all things that make your brain naturally crave high-carb, high-fat foods.

It’s better to adjust your mentality to believe that good nutrition and healthier living can start at any time  — and that does include an occasional splurge. If you know you’re not committed to a particular day of the week to give up everything you love eating, and you know you can still enjoy those things occasionally, you’ll be more likely to find success long term.

You’ve heard it before, but moderation really is the key to dieting success.

(h/t Women’s Health)




Meghan is a full-time writer exploring the fun facts behind food. She lives a healthy lifestyle but lives for breakfast, dessert and anything with marinara. She’s thrown away just as many meals as she’s proud of.