
Tonic Room


10 of the most haunted restaurants in America

Take a trip to some of the spookiest eateries around the country.ย The food at some of these places might be scary-good, but you also better be prepared for just plain scary. From human sacrifices to Salem Witch Trials, these tales of lingering spirits are sure to bring even the biggest skeptic a chill down their spine. https://www.instagram.com/p/BY1WjKfAjW-/?taken-at=740924 Captain Tony’s Saloon (Key West, FL) As a former city morgue, Capt. Tony’s was just tempting fate. The place is supposedly crawling with ghosts, the most famous of which is named the “Lady in Blue.” Her name comes from the dress she was wearing when she was hanged for murdering her husband and two songs. The “Hanging Tree” still stands on Captain Tony’s property. https://www.instagram.com/p/BThKpaqgsfL/?taken-by=turnersseafood Turner’s Seafood (Salem, MA) The location should give you a clue about what went down here. Turner’s Seafood is said to be haunted by Bridget Bishop, the ghost…