
Sour Patch Kids


Most popular Halloween candy in each state

Americans will spend $2.7 billion on Halloween candy this year, as estimated by the National Retail Federation. But what sweet treats you get in your loot bag will largely depend on where you live. Online bulk candy retailer Candystore.com combed through 10 years (2007-2016) of sales data to tell us what the best sellers in every state are in the weeks leading up to Halloween. They created this interactive map to show you the most popular candies, by sales, in each state — actually the top three. This map, of course, is limited to online candy sales, but it gives us a peek into what Halloween candy is popular where. It’s no surprise that Hershey’s M&M’s are popular in their home state of Pennsylvania, but most others seem pretty random. So, how does your state hold up? Judging by this map, you might be inclined to pack up the car and go treat-or-treat in a neighboring…