
Jelly belly


Buttered Popcorn defends title as America’s favorite jelly bean

Attention candy fans! If you ever needed a reason to scoop up some extra jelly beans, this is your weekend. Easter and National Jelly Bean Day fall back to back (April 21st and 22nd), creating the perfect storm for sweet eaters. This year, an estimated 16 billion beans will be eaten just for the Easter season (That many jelly beans could make it 1/3 of the way to the moon!). But while most people agree jelly beans are delicious, that’s where our similarities end. It seems that state-by-state we differ in what jelly bean flavors we find most delicious. Source: CandyStore.com. Some states savor the fruity flavors. Florida, Washington, and New Hampshire prefer pear, while Nebraska, New Mexico, Iowa, and Utah choose cherry. Watermelon is a favorite in Oregon and Alabama, but blueberry is best according to Pennsylvanians, West Virginians, and Indianians. Buttered Popcorn gets the love of both California…

10 Surprising facts about Jelly Beans

Unless you’re an uber-fan, you probably don’t think about jelly beans a whole lot until Easter rolls around — then the little candies take center stage. But what do you really know about these sweet pops of flavor? Here are some juicy details. 1. It can take 7 to 14 days to make A jelly bean. Making jelly beans is no easy task. It requires many steps from liquifying sugar and flavors to pouring into tiny bean-shaped molds and letting dry overnight. The candies then undergo a process called “panning.” They’re transferred to a rotating drum where flavors and colors are added as they spin. Sugar is then added to create the bean’s hard exterior shell. Finally, a hot syrupy wax is applied to give them their shine. After all of that, the beans still need to go through packing and shipping. 2. the battle for favorite flavor. For two…

Is Buttered Popcorn your favorite jelly bean flavor? Survey says, probably

Americans eat more than 16 billion jelly beans every year on Easter, and while some people happily gobble them down by the handful, others are more particular about their flavor choices. Candystore.com analyzed more than 10 years of sales data as well as SurveryMonkey and Facebook polls of more than 12,000 candy consumers to determine the most loved flavor in each of the 50 states and the most loved flavors overall. With the results in, it’s clear that Buttered Popcorn is America’s favorite jelly bean flavor. It’s smooth, salty flavor is an interesting cross of savory and sweet. Despite the number of people who despise black licorice, the controversial flavor came in second place. Other top polling flavors included cinnamon, watermelon, cherry, juicy pear, orange, and green apple. Source: CandyStore.com Individual states could either love or loathe their results. Alaska, Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and New Jersey all put…