


Is it safe to eat dyed Easter eggs?

You look forward to the tradition every year. You stock up on eggs, select your dyes, and pick a few patterns that will show off your creativity. Then for all of your efforts, you get to display your beautiful Easter handiwork on the table or as part of the big Easter egg hunt—but wait. Are those dyed eggs actually safe to eat? Well, it depends. It’s estimated that Americans dye more than 180 million eggs for Easter Sunday (read more incredible facts about eggs you never knew), so it would be a shame just to waste them. However, unless you set some parameters from the get-go, you’ll likely put yourself at risk for salmonella and eggs that end up in the trash. If you can answer “yes” to EVERY question on this list, your eggs are still safe to eat. If you answer “no” to one or more questions, it’s best…

Leftover Hard-boiled Egg Recipes

If you have a few kids, chances are, out of fairness, you were forced to boil and dye more eggs than you knew you could ever consumer. You tell yourself you’ll “take them for lunch” and “make tuna salad”, but just two days in and you’re sick of peeling problems and tired of tuna. If this sounds like a scene from your spring season every year, check out these creative recipes to help you get through an excess of hard-boiled eggs. Next year, you’ll be dying too many on purpose! Smoked Salmon and Egg Canapes Egg Salad Tea Sandwiches English-Muffin Egg Pizzas Portuguese Pizza Boiled Egg, Seared Asparagus & Pickled Onion Sandwich MAYO-FREE AVOCADO EGG SALAD EGG PEPPER FRY RECIPE | EGG PEPPER MASALA Scotch Egg CLASSIC COBB SALAD