


Is a dishwasher or washing dishes by hand a better option?

“If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.” This may be the case for lots of things, but when it comes to your dishes, you need to back off a bit. It’s 2018, and while most of us have dishwashers, there’s something that makes us think washing dishes by hand getsย them cleaner. We might even do double time and wash dishes by hand and then put them in the dishwasher for a cycle. But according the Consumer Reports, we should just “let the dishwasher do its job.” Many people will argue that hand washing is better from an environmental perspective, but the truth is that the machines have grown so energy-efficient โ€” especially the Energy Star-certified models โ€” and require less and less water because of improved appliance standards. “While it may be possible to use less water/energy by washing dishes by hand, it is extremely…