
almonds. cinnamon


Creamy apple crisp smoothie

The four pecks of apples in my house have me coming up with all kinds of uses for them. Canning, pies, cobblers. But whatever I do, it doesn’t seem to make a dent in the bushel. At least I’m getting some great recipes from my race against the clock with my apples’ expiration date. I usually prefer to juice my extra apples. They add the perfect sweetness to celery, ginger juice, among others. But I decided to try something new this year and add them to the blender for a smoothie. Made with farm fresh apples, tart Greek yogurt, old-fashioned oats, milk and cinnamon, this creamy concoction mimics the taste of apple cobbler without coming close in calorie count. And it’s is a much healthier start to your day than a dessert. Depending on how good your blender is, you may want to chop the almonds ahead of time. Also, leave the apple skin on. No one…