It’s fall and apples are everywhere. If you’re tempted to stock up while they’re in season, think first about how you’ll use them. Will you be baking? Making applesauce? Or do you prefer to eat them fresh, right out of your hand? If it’s the latter, here’s a list of delicious apple varieties you should try.

Tart Apples

These apples are best if you’re not looking to satisfy a sweet tooth.


Available: Mid-to-late October

Braeburn are a great all-purpose apple, but their sweet and tart taste and crispy bite make them perfect for eating fresh.


Available: Late September

Cortlands originated in 1898, and they’re still as popular as ever. Their white flesh is juicy and tart, while still offering some sweetness.


Available: Late October

Goldfish doesn’t easily brown, making it a great pick for snacking or salads. They also store well for up to seven months.

Granny Smith

Available: Mid October

Granny Smiths are a great all-purpose apple. Their tart flavor makes them a great choice for baking, but also a tasty snack for those who are a sucker for the pucker when it comes to apples.

Sweet apples

Sweet apples, or “dessert apples” as some growers call them have gained in popularity as Americans search for sweet yet healthy snacks.

Crispin (Mutsu)

Available: Early October

Crispin’s are a cross between the Golden Delicious and Indo apple. It’s tart with honey undertones and thin skin making it ideal for snacking.


Available: Early October

More sweet than tart, this extra crisp apple makes for a great fresh snack.


Available: Late October

If you love sweet apples, Fuji could be your favorite. Fuji apples are nice and firm and have tons of juice.

Golden Delicious

Available: Early October

Goldens are prized for their sweet, buttery, mellow taste. Take a bite for lots of juice.


Available: Early September

This sweet and crisp apple is great for snacking and or eating fresh on salads.


Available: Early fall

This newer variety of apple comes from the same breeders as the Honeycrisp, though it’s sweeter, juicier and offers an extra crisp crunch. If you’re a fan of Honeycrisp, you might love this apple, as well.

Sweet and tart apples

If you like tart apples, but aren’t looking for a pucker, try something in the middle:


Available: Late October

Cameos are sweet and firm, crispy and juicy.


Available: Late September

Cortlands are slightly tart with a bright white flesh.

Ginger Gold

Available: Mid August

Ginger Gold has a cream-colored flesh with a sweet, mildly tart taste. The flesh doesn’t brown right away, so if you’re using in salads, or if you’re just a slow eater, this one might be a nice choice.


Available: Late summer

Gravensteins have a short and early harvest season, and do no ship well, but if you can manage to find this sweet and tart apple, you’ll be rewarded with highly aromatic juicy, white flesh giving off nuances of honey.


Available: Mid September

Honeycrisp apples offer a pleasant middle ground between tart and sweet. Their flavor varies in strength depending on the maturity of the apple.


Available: Early October

Jonagold’s sweet, tart flavor works well in lots of different applications, but on its own, it’s a delicious snack.


Available: Early September

Macintosh apples have a crisp, bright white flesh that holds tons of juice. When first picked, these apples will have a slightly tart taste that mellows with storage.

A note: Just about any apple pulled right from the tree is going to be delicious. It’s just that some hold up better than others over the days and weeks it might take for that apple to make it to point-of-sale. 

For fall baking supplies and fun kitchen gadgets, visit

Also: Old Fashioned Caramel Apple recipe. 

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Meghan is a full-time writer exploring the fun facts behind food. She lives a healthy lifestyle but lives for breakfast, dessert and anything with marinara. She’s thrown away just as many meals as she’s proud of.